
Do not underestimate thinning eyebrows

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Some signs of disease
hazardous can be identified from changes in body shape and appearance. One of them is a thin eyebrow.

If it were not plucked, or thinning eyebrows rarely a sign of thyroid hormone disruption because one of the functions of these hormones is to maintain healthy hair (including eyebrows).

Once you suspect diminishing eyebrows, then to make sure they check the blood at the nearest health center.

Dr. Whitney S. Goldner and colleagues from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha reported that thyroid problems are more common in women compared with men.

But most people with thyroid problems do not realize that disrupted hormone production. To be sure these disorders can be detected through blood tests to see the levels of the hormone T3, T4 and TSH in the body.

Thyroid disorders often have no symptoms. But there is also experience typical symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, fever and hoarse, can not stand the cold, constipation.

In addition to thinning eyebrows, some signs of dangerous diseases that can be recognized from changes in body shape and appearance are:

1. Creased earlobe
Cardiologist from Brigham and Women's Hospital, JoAnne Foody, MD, says various studies in recent decades many associate conditions earlobe with an increased risk of heart disease. Therefore, if found wrinkled ears, consult a cholesterol and blood pressure.

2. Breast size
The bigger the size of the breast, the risk for type 2 diabetes is also increasing. A study of 90,000 women conducted over the past 20 years shows that female-sized breasts Degnan D had a risk 20 times greater than the size of A to have diabetes. So if you feel the size of large breasts, frequent exercise control or check blood sugar levels.

3. Short index finger
People with shorter index finger than ring finger 2 times greater risk for experiencing arthritis or arthritis in the knee. The greater the difference in length of the index finger and ring finger, the greater the increase in risk and should be prevented by always controlling weight.

Professions that can enforce the proper diagnosis of a disease is a doctor. But to simply estimate the risk of disease, everyone can do it themselves by observing her body shape and appearance of each as observing the things above.