
Why We like to gossip?

Buana Blog. Despite knowing that gossiping is not a good habit, but only a few people who consciously avoid it. Upon hearing the gossip there, we immediately curious to know more deeply even though the topic is rumored personal problems of others.

Drifting problems in the gossip circle is difficult to avoid. One reason is our visual system is programmed to focus on negative gossip we hear. In addition, the human brain to remember the gossip was more strongly negative than positive rumors or gossip is neutral.

"Naturally we are more sensitive to information that may potentially threaten our lives," Irving Biederman, neuroscience experts from California, United States.

Although the topic of gossip about others, but it is not impossible that one day will fall on us.

"We can take advantage of the negative rumors that we hear by way of avoiding it to not happen to us," said lead researcher Eliza Bliss-Moreau, from California, USA.

Previous studies also revealed that humans evolved in such a way as to have a tendency to judge and happy to talk about other people.

Although there are many categories of conversations with other people, ranging from greetings, explanations, lie or tell a secret, but the most favored people are talking about someone else. In fact, although the conversation begins with the topic of the weather, eventually they'll talk about other people.

Primatologist Robin Dunbar of the University of Oxford UK, said that gossip does not always mean bad. Dunbar explained that the gossip has gone through evolutionary selection as a way to unite groups of people.

At first, according to Dunbar, primates such as baboons live in groups and use self-care as a social tool to establish, maintain and break relationships. But in evolutionary history, human groups as large and no one has time to notice the appearance of lailn. Gossip or talk about other people and then replace it as the glue of social bonding.

Although gossip may already exist naturally in any social environment, but humans are not born to gossip. Children learn the art of communication through the environment, ranging from polite to talk with the parents, do not swear on someone else, or use good grammar. Including, custom gossip about others.

In other words, although we have a tendency to like gossip, but the joy was not to be nurtured. In fact, we can teach children to avoid gossip by way of "keeping the tongue" to did not often talk about the negative news about other people.

Health Threats Beyond Beauty Care

Buana Blog. Most people go to a salon to be more beautiful. But if treatment is too excessive, it could be the result of which made it become dangerous. The following health hazards due to beauty treatments.
"I see some people who would be pretty messy or damaged by the excessive beauty treatments or care that it was not necessary," said Dr. Debra Jaliman, a spokeswoman for the American Academy of Dermatology.

Here are a few beauty treatments that potentially could cause damage or danger to one's health, namely :

The use of whitening cream In general, 
no bleach (bleaching) is a problem, but rather people who do overbleaching. The cream is used it can effectively change the color of one's skin become whiter and brighter, but sometimes people use it for a long time or many years that actually can harm it.

Whitening creams usually contain hydroquinone compound, 
which is a potential carcinogen that inhibits melanin production and should be used in very small concentrations (implies a maximum of 2 per cent). Side effects of hydroquinone can cause ochronosis (pigmented cartilage discolor disease), making the skin appear blue-black and can cause cancer.

Artificial nails,
Fake nails are usually made from acrylic which can be a disaster, because it can play a role in the process of bacterial infection. The space between the natural nail and artificial nails can create a warm and moist environment and prevent the nail to breathe, thus creating an ideal environment for bacterial infection and also the growth of mold.

Generally a person will experience redness, swelling and pain. In worse conditions could damage or break the natural nail. Jaliman suggested that someone take vitamin B complex to strengthen the natural nail.

Hair extensions,
Most women use hair extensions every day and exceed the recommended time. But generally this process can weaken the hair roots and make a real hair loss that can lead to baldness. This is because the hair is pinned to the real hair can provide tremendous pressure on hair follicles, which makes it strong so that loss.

Eliminate body hair with laser (laser hair removal),

Treatment removes the hair with this technique is effective, as long as performed by a trained and professional. But for people who have dark skin should be cautious and require special attention, because the laser is designed to target the pigment in the hair shaft. If not careful the laser could damage the layer of the epidermis, so that dark-skinned people have a higher risk of having blisters.

Therefore, before performing this technique should make sure first that the practitioners who do already have a certificate or already experienced.

False eyelashes and eyelash extensions,
False eyelashes or eyelash extensions will make it look darker and thicker. But this can reduce the ability of the original eyelashes which serve to protect the eyes from dirt, sun and dust. Therefore, if used for too long will make the eyes become more at risk of contracting something or infection and unhealthy. Jaliman suggested that this treatment done on certain occasions such as weddings and not just in the long term.

Anchovy and Chicken Claws Main Source of Calcium In addition to Milk

Buana Blog. During this time milk is known as a good source of calcium for the community. But for people who can not consume milk because it has no alternative other digestive problems by eating fish and chicken claw.

For people who have lactose intolerance usually can not consume milk because of lactose contained in milk can not be digested well by the intestines, giving rise to disorders such as diarrhea.

"For people who have milk intolerance, calcium source can be obtained from fish, especially the bones can be eaten. And the fish that contain lots of calcium are fish," said Dr. Samuel Oentoro, MS, SpGK, Faculty of medicine-clinical nutritionist at the launch of Logo RSCM Frisian Flag and a new campaign 'Seize Your Days' in the Ballroom of the Ritz Charlton, Jakarta, Friday (10/12/2010).

Dr. Samuel tells us that a lot of calcium found in bones, so the fish can be consumed along with bones contain high calcium like fish usually eaten together with her bones. In addition there is also a calcium scribble.
"But you should not consume fish that have been preserved (salted) or fried. It is better roasted or disteam terinya fish," said the doctor who practices in the Semanggi Specialist Clinic.

Calcium has been known to be useful to build and strengthen bones. But there are many benefits of calcium for the body, because this mineral can help lower blood pressure, reduce your risk of diabetes and lose weight.

This is because calcium can help speed up the process of burning fat, but if the calcium comes from milk should not choose the milk that contains high levels of fat.
In addition, calcium intake must be considered to keep the amount of calcium in the blood remained within normal range, so can not take calcium from other sources

Appropriate defecation techniques

Buana Blog. Often push too hard or straining during bowel movements is one cause of people have hemorrhoid. For that, know the correct ways to defecate to avoid hemorrhoid or hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids or hemorrhoid or hemorrhoids is a disease or disorder in the anus. Anus lips sometimes accompanied by swelling and bleeding.

To prevent this disease, the doctor will usually recommend that regular bowel movements and eating lots of fiber. Correct technique could also help prevent hemorrhoid.

Here are some healthy and true techniques to prevent hemorrhoid :

1. Sitting on the toilet by directing the body to the front. Rest your arm on the thigh and slightly lift the heel of the foot.
2. Alternatively, navigate to the front of the body by holding the ankle.
3. Try the rectum (large intestine point near the anus) relax and feel there is little bulge out
4. Lips, jaw and open mouth will facilitate the normal pelvic floor relaxation during defecation.
5. Inhale through your nose and exhale through the mouth or a soft hissing through the teeth. This can prevent the stomach does not become hard.
6. If post-childbirth or decreased perineum (the area between the vagina and rectum), place the fingers outside the perineum.
7. Once completed, return the condition of the pelvic floor muscles in normal circumstances.
8. Repeat the above 3-4 times if not successful.

In addition to defecate technique is right, hemorrhoid can also be prevented with regular bowel habit and not hard, in the following manner:

1. Discover your best time to defecate.
Usually the best time of half an hour to 1 hour after breakfast, but for some people half to 1 hour after lunch. Time is the best because it uses a gastro-colic reflex, namely stimulation of bowel movements that occur with meals to aid defecation.

2. Make sure you are not in a hurry and have easy access to the bathroom

3. Get used to eating in the same hour every day, whether breakfast, lunch and dinner. Bowel function will be very good when people eat in the regular hours.

4. Make a habit of always eating the same amount every day
5. Eating foods high in fiber, like fruits and vegetables.
6. Drink plenty of fluids without caffeine, ideally 64 ounces a day or 8 glasses of water.
7. Exercise every day, this will help the intestines work consistently.
8. Keep the caffeine because it can cause colon diuretic and makes feces becomes hard.

Vegetable Precepts For People with Uric Acid

Buana Blog. Apart from having to reduce consumption of meat, liver, chicken, turkey and several species of fish, gout sufferers should eat less of certain vegetables. What are the vegetables that become precept for people with uric acid?

Uric acid is a byproduct of purine metabolism. Most foods high in purine are meats, like beef, liver, turkey and some fish. However, there are some vegetables that are high-purine and would trigger an increase in the amount of uric acid in the body.

Uric acid will crystallize and accumulate in the joints, causing inflammation (inflammation) and swelling that are the signs and symptoms of classic gout. The medical term for too much uric acid in blood flow is hyperuricemia.

Reported by LIVESTRONG, here are some vegetables that should be avoided by gout patients

1. Spinach
Spinach is a leafy green vegetables are high in iron, vitamin C, luteins, beta-carotene and flavonoids. Unfortunately for people who suffer from gout or uric acid, spinach is one vegetable that should be avoided because of the high purine content.

According to food tables AcuMedico, spinach has 57 g of purine for every 100 g spinach.

2. Asparagus
Asparagus high folate and potassium and can be eaten either hot or cold, after cooking. Asparagus is also a salag one vegetable that should be avoided for gout sufferers because the high purine content.

According AcuMedico, purine content of 23 g per 100 g of asparagus.

3. Cauliflower
Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that is not often found inserted into other foods, but often presented in a mixture of vegetables or as a side dish.

In the list of vegetables that contain high amounts of purines, cauliflower also included one of them. According AcuMedico, purine for cauliflower is 51 g per 100 g of cauliflower.

4. Mushrooms
There is a range of 92-17 g per 100 g of mushrooms purine, according AcuMedico. This is the list of vegetables that should be avoided if you try to limit the amount of uric acid in the body

Negative side effects shave off eyebrows

Buana Blog. The women sometimes shave her eyebrows and replaced with an eyebrow pencil or a tattoo. But the scientists suggest do not shave off her eyebrows because there are negative side effects.
Eyebrow hair including a very important aspect of one's appearance, because it could be one of the most distinctive features that shape a person's face. Some people have an interesting shape eyebrows, while others appear irregular and need trimming.

As quoted from HowStuffWorks, scientists said that the eyebrow hair serves to help keep moisture out of the eye when a person is sweating or exposed to rain. Although a person has thin eyebrows, he can still perform its function properly.

Arch of the eyebrow shape will help divert rain water or sweat fell to the side of the face, so keep your eye stay dry and prevent water entry into the eye. This condition can help a person stay to see clearly when you're sweating or walking in the middle of the rain.
In addition, not less important function of the eyebrows is the part that helped effect the next time expressing emotions and body language. To test this, try sitting in front of the mirror and make a happy expression, fear, sadness and anger with the eyebrow position is covered. It will show a big difference.

What would happen if his eyebrows shaved off?

If someone does not have eyebrows or shave until exhausted and replaced with a tattoo will make conditions a bit more difficult. This is because no one hold sweat or rain water that fell in the face, but inside there is a salt content of sweat that can cause irritation to the eyes causing a burning sensation.
Most scientists believe that if a person is born without having his eyebrows, then usually he will have a thick eyelashes or skull bone above the eyes rather prominent, so that still can protect the eyes from sweat or rain water.

For that someone is usually not recommended to shave or pull out his eyebrows, but if you want to tidy it up enough to lose a few eyebrow hair.

Do not underestimate thinning eyebrows

Some signs of disease
hazardous can be identified from changes in body shape and appearance. One of them is a thin eyebrow.

If it were not plucked, or thinning eyebrows rarely a sign of thyroid hormone disruption because one of the functions of these hormones is to maintain healthy hair (including eyebrows).

Once you suspect diminishing eyebrows, then to make sure they check the blood at the nearest health center.

Dr. Whitney S. Goldner and colleagues from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha reported that thyroid problems are more common in women compared with men.

But most people with thyroid problems do not realize that disrupted hormone production. To be sure these disorders can be detected through blood tests to see the levels of the hormone T3, T4 and TSH in the body.

Thyroid disorders often have no symptoms. But there is also experience typical symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, fever and hoarse, can not stand the cold, constipation.

In addition to thinning eyebrows, some signs of dangerous diseases that can be recognized from changes in body shape and appearance are:

1. Creased earlobe
Cardiologist from Brigham and Women's Hospital, JoAnne Foody, MD, says various studies in recent decades many associate conditions earlobe with an increased risk of heart disease. Therefore, if found wrinkled ears, consult a cholesterol and blood pressure.

2. Breast size
The bigger the size of the breast, the risk for type 2 diabetes is also increasing. A study of 90,000 women conducted over the past 20 years shows that female-sized breasts Degnan D had a risk 20 times greater than the size of A to have diabetes. So if you feel the size of large breasts, frequent exercise control or check blood sugar levels.

3. Short index finger
People with shorter index finger than ring finger 2 times greater risk for experiencing arthritis or arthritis in the knee. The greater the difference in length of the index finger and ring finger, the greater the increase in risk and should be prevented by always controlling weight.

Professions that can enforce the proper diagnosis of a disease is a doctor. But to simply estimate the risk of disease, everyone can do it themselves by observing her body shape and appearance of each as observing the things above.