
Depressive Neurosis Disorders

Neurotic depression is a mindset and behaviors that cause maladaptif and recurrent depression. Patients are often anxious, obsessive, and prone to somatization. The cause is the possibility of biological factors that sleep disorders. Another cause of error development of personality and ego, which peaked and difficult to adapt in adolescence and young adulthood.

Patients usually somber, moody, sad, or less interested in the move. Patients can sometimes be sarcastic, nihilistic, it's easy to complain, tense stiff, and refused to intervention therapy. Symptoms that follow are the changes in appetite and tifur patterns, low self-esteem, loss of energy, reduced sex drive, preokupasi obsession with health problems.

Approximately 50 percent of patients experience vague symptoms-samr at the age of 25 years. Therefore, the combination of pharmacotherapy and cognitive and behavioral therapy may be the most effective treatment for this disorder

Flaking scalp signs zinc mineral deficiency

Buana Blog. If the various ways already done but not too lost dandruff, this condition can be triggered by problems in the body. One of them is due to mineral deficiency of zinc.

Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a role in many bodily functions including metabolism and how the enzyme catalyzes the body. In addition, these nutrients are also important in maintaining the health of the nervous system, immune and cell membrane structure.

If the body has a deficiency or zinc deficiency will cause a number of physical symptoms, one of which is flaking scalp or commonly known as dandruff. This is because the turnover of skin cells will occur more quickly thus causing peeling scalp is characterized by the appearance of dandruff.

Therefore several anti-dandruff shampoos contain zinc pyrithione which is one way to combat zinc deficiency which can cause itchy scalp and appears flake crust.

But do not just enough to cope with shampoos that contain zinc. Needed additional zinc from food or supplements to help enhance immune function or improve neurological impairment.

Eating foods rich in zinc and omega-3 fatty acids known to help build a healthy scalp so that it becomes less prone to itching and flaking.

The source of zinc naturally present in animal protein (beef, poultry, shellfish, pork and crab meat), beans, cheddar cheese and a variety of nuts (peanuts, almonds and cashew nuts) and milk.

Everyone needs zinc intake is different, namely :

   1. For children under 3 years of age require 2-3 mg daily
   2. For children aged 4-8 years require 5 mg every day for a year and then increased to 8 mg
   3. For male adolescents and adults above 14 years need 11 mg per day
   4. For female adolescents and adults above 14 years require 8-9 mg
   5. For pregnant and lactating women require 11-13 mg daily

Zinc deficiency is not the only cause of dandruff, but other factors could also play a role such as stress, yeast infection on the scalp, excessive oil production and sensitive care products.

Sperm Got 2 Flavor, Bitter and Sweet

Buana Blog. Although some say the sperm taste salty or savory, healthy sperm is actually only have 2 sweet or bitter taste that is slightly sour. Bitter sweet liquid that comes out during ejaculation is influenced by the daily food consumption.

Sexologists from Tarumanegara University, Dr. Andrew Wanananda MS says sperm will taste bitter and somewhat sour when he ate the animal products, especially meat. Consumption of coffee and spices, especially garlic also make sperm tastes bitter.

Meanwhile, if men consume lots of fruits, then the sperm will taste sweeter. Dr Andrew said fruits such as oranges, bananas and apples will make sperm taste sweeter because it contains natural sugar.

Just as that contained in fruit, sperm also has a sweet taste because it contains sugar in the form of fructose. While the sour taste when he ate the meat is triggered by an imbalance of pH or acid levels in semen.

Although seem trivial, bitter sweet liquid released by the male during ejaculation is very sensitive for couples who like to perform oral sex. Most women refuse oral sex with a excuse less comfortable with the smell and taste sperm.

BBC Health team has proven it through experiment involving three couples who hooked perform oral sex. The participants were women admitted, sperm taste sweeter after her male partner fasting coffee, alcohol and meat for 2 consecutive days.

Meanwhile, quoted from Spermsecrets, another way you can do to make sperm taste sweeter of them are as follows.

   1. Avoid fast food
   2. Expand eat pineapple, cranberry and orange
   3. Reduce milk and derivatives products, including cheese and yoghurt
   4. Eat Wheatgrass (a type of wheat), celery and parsley because chlorophyll content can improve the taste of sperm
   5. Occasionally drink herbal peppermint, cinnamon and cardamom
   6. Expand the water, because in addition to maintaining general health are also very help regulate the pH balance of sperm.

Some objects that risk of causing male infertility

Buana Blog. Sperm production in males is influenced by many factors, ranging from toxins harmful to high temperatures. If not avoided or at least reduced, and reduced quality of sperm can cause infertility.

Toxins that cause decreased sperm quality such as bisphenol A (BPA) and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB). While the conditions that must be considered to maintain the quality of sperm is to keep the temperature around the 'factory' ie sperm testicles.

Quoted from MSN Health, here are some objects that risk of causing male infertility.

1. Structural expenditure

Nearly 40 percent of thermal paper used for printing the current expenditure structure using component bisphenol-A (BPA) that is harmful to sperm. Direct contact for 10 seconds with a shopping receipt can trigger the transfer of 2.5 mcg of BPA into the hands, whereas scrub the numbers increased 15-fold.

Although there is no strong evidence that shows how big the threat is, it never hurts to watch. This is simply not for long held the structural spending or immediately put it in the wallet or sealed envelope.

2. Food cans
The content of BPA in food cans used to coat the packaging. Acidic nature of the packaged food increases the possibility of BPA released from the layer so it would consumed when served.

To reduce BPA contamination of canned food, which is easy enough to avoid canned foods whenever possible and replace them with fresh food.

3. Sex toy
Several types of sex aids or sex toy for men and women such as dildos, vibrators and penis clamp ring is made of plastic vinyl. This type of plastic can release phthalates, compounds that could trigger dangerous allergies, cancer and reduced sperm quality in men.

To avoid this risk, choose a quality sex toy made of silicone. Safety is guaranteed because the silicon is also used for making medical devices trending in the hospital.

4. Toiletries
Phthalate not only be found on the sex toy but also a variety of vinyl products including shower curtains. Even some kinds of soap and shampoo are also using phthalates as an additive.

In order not to release the phthalate compounds, replace the shower curtain if it seems outdated. Choose soaps and shampoos are phthalate-free, usually are not much use of fragrances.

5. Pesticide
The advantages of organic foods are free of pesticide contamination that is harmful to sperm quality. Toxic pesticides can accumulate in plants, then consumed by humans though it was washed and cooked.

6. Laptops and electrically heated seats
Temperatures that are too high at around testicles can disrupt sperm production. Therefore, despite the cold weather, reduce the use of heating car seats and lap laptop that lights up in the thigh.

7. Marine fish
In general, the nutrient content of fresh marine fish, particularly omega-3 fatty acids are very good for health. However, marine fish taken from contaminated waters contain toxins that can lower sperm quality in men.

Toxins that pollute the waters and marine fish sperm is most dangerous for polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB). This poison is a waste of the electronics industry that can accumulate in marine fish.